Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments


Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

One of the most common types of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is an autoimmune disorder, happens when your immune system attacks the synovium (the lining of the membranes that surround your joints).

Sometimes, your worst enemy is yourself since Rheumatoid Arthritis has no cure. Although, studies have shown that if the treatment begins early, there is a high chance of remission.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments may include:

Home remedies

Changing your lifestyle a little can have a big impact on the pain. Following remedies can help you manage the pain.

Ice or heat therapy-

Use ice packs to reduce inflammation and pain. You can alternate cold with hot treatments such as warm showers and hot compresses.

Get enough sleep-

Take proper rest to give your body some time to relax and reduce stress.

Use assistive devices-

To take off some loads from your joints, use assistive devices such as splints and braces.

Take proper diet-

Stick to an anti-inflammatory diet full of omega-3 fatty acids, fibers, flavonoids, antioxidants, such as selenium, vitamin A, C, and E.


There are various types of medications given based on the severity of the disease and your symptoms. Commonly used medicines are-

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

They are used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Over-the-counter NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)

These help to slow down the progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis.


They are used to reduce inflammation, pain, and slow joint damage.


This advanced class of DMARDs targets parts of the immune system that trigger inflammation rather than blocking the whole immune system.

Physical therapy

To further alleviate the pain, you can do some simple exercises. They help to keep your joints flexible. Physical therapy can also include easy exercises like walking, biking, and yoga.

You can even go to a physical therapist who can teach you exercises specifically for Rheumatoid Arthritis.


With Rheumatoid Arthritis, your joints become weak. Surgery can help repair those joints which are severely damaged. Some of the surgical procedures are mentioned below.

Synovectomy- To remove the swollen lining of the joint.

Joint fusion- To surgically fuse a joint.

Tendon repair- To repair the loosened or ruptured tendons around your joint.

Total joint replacement- To replace the damaged parts of your joint with a prosthesis made of metal and plastic.

By these treatments, you can abbreviate the effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis on your joints and in your life. With the right treatment, the disease can further reduce or disappear.