Annual Tear


Annual Tear

Between the vertebrae in the spinal cord, there are discs. The strong ligament connecting this discs with the vertebra is called annual fiber.

A tear in this ligament that causes intense pain can be called as annual tear.

How does it happen

There are many underlying disease processes associated with this tear, but the most important factor is natural ageing. In older individuals, the disc becomes fragile and brittle, tears easily.

Other major risk factors are:

  • Trauma, accident

  • Repetitive Heavyweight lifting

  • Fixed strained posture for long time

  • Excessive body weight

  • In association with other diseases like Spondylosis, sciatica, Degenerative disorders, hernia, stenosis etc.

Common symptoms to look for

It is quite indistinguishable from any other lower back pain issues. Even the pain severity may vary widely. Some patients are bedridden while other don't feel any troublemaking pain.


  • Common symptoms are mainly:

  • Radiating back or neck pain

  • Sciatica

  • Burning sensation

  • Muscle weakness along limbs and back

  • Tingling, numbness

  • Less flexibility, forced movement triggers excruciating pain

Treatment options

After a provisional clinical diagnosis has been made with full clinical exam and personal health assessment, patients are usually sent for imaging tests like MRI, X-Ray and CT scan etc. These methods are confirmatory procedures that find the exact damaged part in annular ligament and vertebral discs as well.

Our labs at JPRC neurospine center Jaipur, the best spine pain treatment Rajasthan, is fully equipped with world-class modern diagnostic technologies that makes sure not even the tiniest change is missed.

Treatment options widely vary according to the specific needs and physical conditions of a patient, such as:


  • Physical therapy

  • Massage therapy

  • Radiotherapy, Ultrasound therapy

  • Medications

  • Epidural steroid block injection

  • TENS therapy etc.

In case you feel any pain or discomfort of back and neck, don't forget to contact us immediately.

Early diagnosis equals to assured healing.

Our team of best pain doctors Rajasthan are here to lead you in a journey towards pain-free life. Book your appointment today!